Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Membership Registration?

Membership registrations provides access to available products in our store depending on the kind of membership.
Free members can access or free products and paid members all products besides affiliate and specific products.
Paid members are entitled to discounts to all our services.

General Questions

Do you have support services?

Yes, you may use "support ticket," contact or write to to get in touch. We respond within 24 hours.

Can I share the products I buy or download from here?

Most of the products can be shared for non-commercial purposes. However, there are products with affiliates status that requires permissions. Thus the copyright conditions are specified on the individual products. When there are no restrictions, there can be used accordingly.

How do you make money?

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Do you process data requests?

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Basics Questions

Who can register as a member?

Everyone from age 16 can be a member. There are no registration restrictions for adults.

What can I use as my username?

There are no  restrictions on the creation of user names, so far as WordPress allows.

Have further questions?

We'd be happy to help.


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